This privacy notice contains information about UAB “Arminta” (hereinafter – the Company) processing of personal data.

The company recognizes that the protection of personal data is important to its customers and partners and other data subjects (hereinafter – data subjects), and undertakes to respect and protect the privacy of each data subject.

This privacy notice is intended for you, our customers and partners and your representatives (employees and other authorized persons who maintain relations with the Company). With it, the Company explains and informs about how personal data is processed and what rights you and your representatives have.

When processing personal data, the Company complies with all legal acts regulating the protection of personal data, the instructions of competent authorities, as well as established standards and procedures that ensure that personal data is processed accurately, fairly, legally, transparently and safely.

Personal data controllerArminta UAB, legal entity code 304554338, registration address: Saulės g. 22-40, Kaunas, email:, tel. nr.: +3706 56555 82. The company has appointed a person responsible for the protection of personal data, whom you can contact using the specified contacts.

You provide personal data to the Company voluntarily. The company must process them in order to be able to conclude contracts with you, properly fulfill the obligations and other legal obligations assumed towards you. If you do not provide personal data, the Company will not be able to enter into transactions with you and provide other services you need.

Purposes and legal bases for processing personal data – conclusion and execution of contracts with customers, including collection of debts from defaulting buyers (legal basis: processing data is necessary to fulfill the contract; also processing data is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of the Company and you, when the Company processes your specified personal data of representatives authorized to maintain relations with the Company), mandatory accounting of business operations (legal basis: fulfillment of legal obligations applicable to the Company), analysis of business operations (statistics) (legal basis: legitimate interests of the Company to analyze its business operations and keep their statistics) .

The recipients of the personal data processed by the company are the company’s employees, as well as the company’s partners, to whom, in order to fulfill our obligations to you, we transfer the personal data necessary for the fulfillment of your orders in individual cases. In cases established by legal acts, in fulfillment of its obligations, the Company provides your data to relevant state institutions.

How and why we collect and use your personal data

Arminta UAB needs your personal data, which can be collected in the ways described below. In our privacy policy, we tell you what you can expect when a company collects personal data about:

  • website ( visitors;
  • persons who have contacted us;
  • individuals who have purchased our products;
  • job candidates.

Contact us

There are several ways you can contact us on our website. We receive, review and respond to all messages ourselves. To contact us on the website, you will provide us with your name, surname, phone number, and e-mail. If you contact us by e-mail by mail, we will process your data: Your name, e-mail email address and the text of the correspondence. Such data will be processed in order to prepare for the execution of the contract. If you do not provide your contact details, it will not be possible to contact you. Please note that the website may also use e-mail. email monitoring or blocking software, and you must ensure that the emails you send do not contain illegal content. If the order is executed, the electronic version of the order is stored according to the established procedure, and if the order is not executed, the request form and correspondence are deleted from the company’s e-mail, except for information for which other terms are set for storage in the Privacy Policy or legal acts.

Any personal data you provide when communicating with us is used only for the above purposes and to view messages and administer and manage communication flows. We undertake not to use your personal data in any publications without your express consent in such a way that it is possible to determine your personal identity. Please note that we may need to contact you by mail, e-mail. by mail or phone. Do not forget to notify us about changes in your personal data.

As a general rule, we do not disclose your personal data, but in order to ensure uninterrupted business continuity and proper provision of services and delivery of goods, we disclose information about you to our employees: administration, managers, production foreman, if reasonably necessary for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy . In certain circumstances, we may be required to transfer personal data where:

1. we must disclose information in accordance with the law, including cases where we must disclose personal data to the tax administrator and law enforcement authorities for the purposes of crime prevention and detection;

2. we need to disclose personal data due to legal proceedings or in order to obtain legal advice, or disclosure is necessary to establish, exercise or defend our rights;

3. disclosure is necessary to protect our interests or those of others (for example, to prevent fraud);

4. it is necessary to disclose the information in order to protect your vital interests (for example, if you feel sick in our premises and we have to seek medical help);

The company does not store processed personal data for longer than the purposes of data processing require or provide for in legal acts or the statute of limitations for any claims expires.

You have the right to request that the Company allow access to the personal data processed by you, to request their correction or deletion, or to limit data processing, or the right to object to data processing, as well as the right to data portability.

When the Company processes your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests, you have the right, for reasons related to your specific case, at any time not to consent to the processing of your personal data by the Company.

The right to demand deletion of data, the right to limit data processing, the right to data portability and the right to object to data processing are not absolute and legal acts may provide additional conditions for their implementation.

You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data. Please note that we will only be able to fulfill such a request if:

  • Your personal data is no longer necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected (for example, we need your personal data to be able to respond to your letters);
  • we are prohibited by law from collecting, storing or using personal data;
  • Your personal data is not required to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim, for example in a legal process.

You have the right to ask us to limit the processing of your personal data or not to process them:

  • during the period necessary for us to verify the accuracy of your personal data when you submit claims regarding the accuracy of the data;
  • when our collection, storage or use of your personal data is illegal, but you decide not to request data deletion;
  • when we no longer need your personal data, but you need it to establish, fulfill or defend a legal claim;
  • for the period required to determine whether we have an overriding legal basis to continue processing your personal data, if you have exercised your right to object to the processing of personal data.

You have the right to the transfer of data that we received from you with your consent or for the purposes of concluding a contract. After you exercise this right, we will transfer a copy of the data you provided at your request.

You have the right to object to us using your personal data:

  • when we use such data to ensure our legitimate interests, but we do not have a more important legal basis to continue using your personal data.


You are important to us and it is important for us to ensure the protection of your personal data. We apply strict standards to the collection and use of personal data. We therefore take any complaints regarding the use of your personal data very seriously, and please notify us of any issues related to this. When you contact us to file a complaint, we only use your personal data to examine and respond to the complaint and to evaluate the quality of our services. If we receive a complaint about a member of our team, we may need to disclose your personal identity to that person. You may indicate that you do not wish to have your personally identifiable information disclosed, and we will endeavor to comply with your request. However, handling a complaint anonymously may not always be possible. If you are not satisfied with our answer, you can also file a complaint directly with the State Data Protection Inspectorate. You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority in the Member State where you have your permanent residence, place of work or the place where the suspected violation was committed.

If you are concerned about the Company’s actions/inactions, due to which you believe that the requirements of this privacy notice or legal acts may not be complied with, you can contact the Company at any time, in any way convenient for you.

If it is not possible to resolve the issue with the Company, you have the right to apply to the State Data Protection Inspectorate, which is responsible for the supervision and control of legal acts regulating the protection of personal data.

If necessary, the Company has the right to update the above information.